I saw her running across crowded roads and the busy town...
With a hope so high.. and the shine in her eyes..
Confident.. that the world will guide!
She skips..she hops..she jumps..she shifts!
And in the end a hand she lifts..
The light turns Green..
And the cars pass by..
Each owner..
only just saw the sight..
Hope still alive..
And the next Red light..
And again..she laughs..
The same old style..
A childhood so harsh..
A world too wide..
Yet she only..
Remains a small little scar..
To the world's eyes!
People reach out..
No one..but..manages to touch her hand..
The only thing they can part with..
Is a piece of their land..
She needs..
Not a hand...
But..a part of their lives..
And the busy world has..for her..
Only a sad smile..
The Days pass by...
The Weeks pass by..
She only dances to the tune..
Of the honking vehicles nearby..
I wish..i could..
Make a difference..Bring a change..
But..like all others..
I only pass the blame..
Tell me one soul..
Who can hug her tight..
I know..
I am a part of the crowd..
Which says..It cares..
Only when there is some boredom lingering by....
nice nice nice!
i too wrote a similar one
remember the girl we used to see from our school bus?? ITO??
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