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"The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep." ~Robert Frost

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Coffee Break

Dazed after one hour of car horns, sweat and people yelling at each other, I reach the air-conditioned office entrance. 
There is a long queue for the lift, so I take the side entrance. Three flights of stairs later, I sigh as I open the bay doors. A familiar face waves at me, or someone just smiles, or mumbles a "Good Morning". I wave back, smile or get into a quick chat.

I reach my desk, almost in time for the scrum call of the day. There is always the-latecomer, the-one-who-has-already-fixed 2 issues for the day, and the just-in-time one. I arrange my desk with utmost care so much so that someone watching me would lose patience. Forty-five minutes of essay questions, rapid fire rounds and irrelevant laughter pass by.

Then comes the favorite part, coffee break

But, not yet. 

First the headphones come down and the snacks come out. Then the leg pulling happens. There is always the-one-soft-target. Stuffing our faces while already talking about lunch, we walk towards the breakout area, hoping to find it empty. Gossip of the day, oh-did-you-know, the new pub in town, the new food joint, all very important topics are discussed while we fill our cups one by one.

Then the-enthu-cutlet speaks up and reminds us all to get back to work, or rather, start work.

Back at our desks, every 15 minutes, there is a work discussion, every 40 minutes comes a topic where everybody has an opinion. Our discussion solves nothing, but it is very important to make your point. The oh-please-let-me-work tells us off and we get back to work.

 The too-many-questions, the-funny-face, the-logic-brain, the-food-fanatic, the-movie-buff, the-always-annoyed, the-shy, the-witty, the-strict, all have something to say, all have something to discuss.

 Work gets done! Food gets eaten! Opinion gets shared! Emotions get expressed!

 And now, I wake up, and I start work!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Entrepreneur is a big word

I attended a meeting on behalf of my aunt today. 

It was a simple meeting to explain a change in the invoicing process of a company.

Half an hour meeting. 


So why am I writing about it?

Here's why!


There's not a day that goes by without hearing the word entrepreneur.

Business development specialists, digital marketers, freelancers, tech startups, everybody is using this word.

Everyone wants to be Self-made! Self-sufficient! 


In this call were 30 "entrepreneurs" who have been left behind in the technology race.

They started with nothing and built their brands in an age when mobile phones were non-existent.

They walked, changed buses and trains to get customers, to expand their businesses.

They did not become Tatas or Birlas, but they have struggled too, they have stories too.

I felt their confident stride, their voice and their air of achievement quaver a bit as they tried to understand all these big, fancy terms.

I suppose most of them would be on the brink of their retirements.

Do they really need this now? 

Most of the self-made people I know wish to make money and retire by 40 and live in a condo by the beach drinking beer, making barbecue. 

And then there are these people - still learning, still growing, still eagerly catching up with the fast moving world.

They didn't even know the word entrepreneur back in their time.

They made themselves, their families, the dreams of their children, and are still making a living!

Does self-made seem a good enough word for them?

Sunday, July 26, 2020


His oversized t-shirt to sleep in.
The sister's pyjamas to binge in.
Amma's blanket to snuggle in.
Appa's flip flops to walk in.

A used pencil.
A fountain pen.
A library book unreturned.
The same familiar turn.
The same roads, the same bar.
The same face, the same scar.

Half written postcards,
Paintings that almost talk.
Walls that tell a story,
Lights that bring back memories.

As the sun settles,
Promising a new day,
Don't we secretly make a wish,
"May nothing change?"

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Confessions of A Decoratively Challenged

Been at home full time for about 4 months now.
Ordering galore from all that's available.
Dusting, sweeping, doing the dishes.
Trying to slip in a hobby or two.

There have been changes.

Moving around furniture.
Rearranging the cupboards. 
Reordering the fridge.
Making space for quarantining grocery.

I noticed a thing.

I have cushion covers that have nothing in common with the curtains.
They have nothing in common with each other either for that matter.
The bedsheet and pillow cover are never from the same set.
Wine glasses have no pair.
Cups have no saucers.
Spoons don't match.
Forks are in all different sizes.
I have tried to move things from display to drawers, mostly to escape from dusting them.
I am ok with a clean messy home, mostly because it's not a hotel room.

And then I noticed this.

I would rather people had a good time laughing  than having to look at collectibles.
I would rather they break into a dance than be careful about what they might fall onto.
I would rather they spill without worrying how expensive the linen is.
I would laugh at a tipsy human break a glass than stress out about an incomplete set.
I would rather people eat in peace, than be nervous about cutlery.
I would like cake in all rooms on birthdays than a sophisticated dinner.
Any decibel level is ok.
Any mood is ok.
Entertain or Annoy.
Laugh or Cry.

You might have to sit on the floor,
It's clean.
But it'll be fun,
You'll see.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Plan and Crumble

Fancy Planners. Colorful Pens. 
Crisp Handwriting. Clear Lines.
Margins. Headings. Neat And Tidy.
A Routine. A Month Of Chores.
All This & Show Uncertainty the Door! 

You write down the next 2 months of your life on paper.
Food, Work, Exercise, Even Hobby.
The number of times you will drink green tea is already in the book.
You already know what you will have for lunch next Saturday.
You already know how many glasses of water you are going to have today.
You already know how many onions you need until your next grocery run.
The number of steps you will take, 
The number of calls you will make,
Your work hours, your me time.
Everything is in the book.

Then what?

What do you do when you are out of onions because one of them went bad?
When you are overloaded with work that you have no time to exercise?
When you did not read the 10 pages you were supposed to read today?
When you took only 9999 steps?
When an old friend called your after 10 years?


Outline your goals. 
But colour them everyday.
Listen to your mind, body and soul.
Let the colours go out of the margins.
Let them make a mess.
Let creativity and unpredictability in.
Make way, for experiences.
You are a life, not a project.

Agree or Counter? 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A Decade Minus One

A place where I never tried to fit in.
No matter how mismatched it was, the piece locked right in.
Locked right in and became a part of my story.

A place where I took a left,
No matter how not right it was, the path was beautiful.
Beautifully lined with trees, flowers and tiny raindrops carving my way out.

Ate like there was no tomorrow,
everywhere, everything.
crossed rivers, climbed hills,
long drives to nowhere, cheap thrills.
Danced on the tables of monkey bar,
Did the YMCA at hard rock,
Never missed Karaoke Thursdays,
the best parties were on workdays.
Driven out of pubs,
The uncertainty bringing joy.
Even stole a big guy's mc meal toy.

A place where i was taken seriously in pyjamas,
A place where i stumbled, fell, bruised myself.
Fell a million times and picked myself up.
A place where i danced, sang, colored,
sometimes to forgive, sometimes to forget.
Fast cars, music and shots,
magical evenings that just passed.
Giggles, Laughs, Tears in the Eyes,
Never even hid jealousy or fear tides.
Bawled like a baby,
Laughed like a toddler,
Threw tantrums like a teenager,
Been quiet like an adult.
Made promises, broke some,
made bonds, broke some,
loved, hated, been crazy.
sometimes there, sometimes just short,
there's a smile on my face, that says it all.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

That streak of pink
across bright blue.
Those white birds,
whose sightings were few.
That soaring eagle,
winked at me and flew.
The tiny sunflower,
closing in; a sight so new.
The last rays of sunlight
giving way to the moon.
and mysterious twilight,
casting memories towards you.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Hello Fellows,

There are people in all our lives who find it funny to always be critical of us. Their fun evening might be a disaster to us and they couldn't care less. And then there are some who feel that their current mood needs to be the mood of the day. Well now, I am sympathetic towards them, and will be there when they need me. But hey, all of us have problems that we deal with and a little fun, a harmless laugh with good food, good beer never hurt anyone! 

This one is to all those who get deeply affected by negativity and feel responsible to make sure everybody is fine, even if it takes a toll on them!

And one day, you will break free!
from that complaint box,
the one always finding faults.
from the always frowning,
the one always criticizing,
from the spoilsport,
the one never ever on board.
you could climb mountains,
you could dive deep into seas, 
you could do everything in the world,
and yet something, there's always going to be.
one day, you'll break free,
and only a feeble background noise it shall be.
don't hold back,
just go for it,
life's just too short,
to be saying "please".

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Everyday (SHOU)ThINGs

the wake up call,
the hunger toll,
the irritated tone,
the loving zone.
the attention required,
the leave me alone,
the telling off when busy,
and the call of duty.
sometimes funny,
mostly not.
some leave me fuming,
some, in deep thought.
it's an everyday thing,
it makes my ears ring.
but just one hour,
of not hearing my name,
and i march right upto his nose.
and demand a dialogue, to play.
it happens everyday,
every hour along the way,
but take any one of it away,
incomplete is my day.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Don't Pair 'Em

After hitting the snooze button 5 times in a row, she gave in to the routine. Microwave beeping in the background, she hums a song, completely wrong, because that's the way she likes it. Clothes on, breakfast done, it's almost time to start the day's struggle by persuading the sly Uber driver who might blame it on "not enough fuel" not to cancel the ride.

She pulls her socks up and smiles. Today she's feeling purple and hot pink. Someone had once asked her the reason and she had just smiled. The same smile behind, "Isn't a bachelor's degree enough?", "Isn't it already time to get married?", "Oh my God, you don't cook?", "That's too dull a color for a girl", "You're putting on some weight, what happened?", "What's she doing here?", "Oh they won't be ok with night shifts" & of course, her favorite, "Can she do it?"

Smile, and just do your thing. Don't Pair Them!

Friday, February 21, 2020


Hair carelessly strewn about,
Weapons off guard,
On a flexed bicep, 
maybe a few puffs of grass.     
Then comes the fierce face, just peeking,
artfully done, with a meaning
the mighty one, with three eyes,
a dance, a trance, and passion just fine.
a few colors thrown in
a few bold strokes,
all on a breathtaking bicep, the sleeves all rolled.

Thursday, February 20, 2020


Do you think about me like I do?
Quietly amidst chaos, smile?
Raise secretly a toast to us like old times?
Jump at the mention of my name?
Tell our stories, play that game?
How those evenings turned into nights,
Carefully wrapping every second tight.
Tight into smiles, into careless laughter,
Into dance, into delightful thunder.
Into rain, into interwined fingers,
Into shadows, mysteries and moon light that lingered.
Light that stood still, refusing to sway,   
I tried blowing it out, it won't go away. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Sometimes smiling, sometimes wounded,
Funny today, tomorrow irritated,
confused this year, has a vision the next,
Holds on tight in love, curls up when hurt. 
Wins a battle when bold. Let's the sand fall when dies hope.
Curious, Talkative, Full of Mistakes,
Picks herself up, ready to race.
wins applause, faces backlash.
Just goes on with some blush, and a laugh!
What would the world be without her?
Would you know what it's like to be cared for?
Would you know what unexpected surprises are meant for? 
Would you know what it is to laugh in the middle of the night?
would you know the sound of raindrops falling just right?
would you know the lyrics and not just the tune?
would you know what it's like to let go too soon?
would you know what it's like to argue?
would you know what it's like to be told you're wrong?
would you have opinion and meanings?
She's a million words and a billion feelings.
She's just herself, and stories she's weaving! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

She just stepped into the world ~To Tara

Ever so softly, she broke into a toothless smile,
No, she does not recognize,         
Nor does she remember,
Yet quietly sat in my arms, trusting me for a while.
I made weird sounds,
I walked her around,
I even told her my name,
She just nodded,
every time the same.
She held my finger tight,
Like she'll never leave it behind.
Didn't ask me questions,
Didn't ask me my crimes,
Ever so softly, she broke into a smile. 

Monday, February 17, 2020

4 A.M.

Bengaluru International Airport. 4AM.
Sleepy eyes loitering around the baggage belt waiting for their piece of luggage.
People struggling to free trolleys from the interlocked line.
An occasional ouch from someone bumping into, stepping onto or driving their trolleys right into someone's leg.
People trying to get as close to the baggage belt so as to not miss their bag while making sure they look cool enough to not look like they're in a hurry. Same as everyone waiting for the first person to get up as soon as the seat belt sign is switched off.
The cool dude, that hep family, the old couple with assistance, another one without, other people.
And.. eavesdropping me..

Man on Phone : Goooooddd Morning Bete !
Haana a rahe hain bas papa. Office ke kaam se gaye the na.
From the other side : I obviously cannot hear.
Man : arre mummy ko bolo. Wo denge mangva ke.
From the other side: No idea what!
Man: haan bete! You are always right!

Me: When did we go from being always RIGHT to so terribly wrong most of the time???