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"The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep." ~Robert Frost

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Plan and Crumble

Fancy Planners. Colorful Pens. 
Crisp Handwriting. Clear Lines.
Margins. Headings. Neat And Tidy.
A Routine. A Month Of Chores.
All This & Show Uncertainty the Door! 

You write down the next 2 months of your life on paper.
Food, Work, Exercise, Even Hobby.
The number of times you will drink green tea is already in the book.
You already know what you will have for lunch next Saturday.
You already know how many glasses of water you are going to have today.
You already know how many onions you need until your next grocery run.
The number of steps you will take, 
The number of calls you will make,
Your work hours, your me time.
Everything is in the book.

Then what?

What do you do when you are out of onions because one of them went bad?
When you are overloaded with work that you have no time to exercise?
When you did not read the 10 pages you were supposed to read today?
When you took only 9999 steps?
When an old friend called your after 10 years?


Outline your goals. 
But colour them everyday.
Listen to your mind, body and soul.
Let the colours go out of the margins.
Let them make a mess.
Let creativity and unpredictability in.
Make way, for experiences.
You are a life, not a project.

Agree or Counter? 

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